Leave a Dent: You Won’t Believe All of the Cool Things We Do

Hiring challenges and labor shortages are in the headlines every day and are a hot topic of conversation at industry and policy forums. At Roush, we take a unique approach: the best recruiting strategy is a retention strategy. We work just as hard at retaining top talent as we do at hiring talented team members. Our job isn’t done the minute you walk in the door. We are committed to ensuring that our employees feel valued and challenged and know they are making an impact. That commitment comes through with the team members interviewed as part of our Leave a Dent campaign.
Leave a Dent implies making your mark but, at Roush, it’s more than that. Our value proposition is simple: You work alongside the best and brightest to do astonishingly cool things. At Roush, you are part of building the future. You have an opportunity to not just make an impact but truly create a legacy.
We’ve invested in talent management strategies that are directly linked to retention. Some examples:
- Crafting a clear path forward. We have a systematic process to ensure employees have a defined career path based on both skills and aspirations.
- Reinventing yourself. Our diverse customer base means broad diversity in projects and skill sets. We encourage our team members to get involved in various projects and learn new skills.
- Eliminating the dreadful annual performance review process. Instead, we focus on quarterly check-ins to ensure continual alignment of goals as the business shifts and responds to customer needs.
- Conducting wellness “check ins.” Our CEO, Evan Lyall, has tasked every Roush leader with talking with different team members each week to simply ask: How are you doing? How is your team? What can I do to help?
- Training opportunities: We offer 24/7 access to over 4,000 virtual training courses. That way, you can learn and grow your skill set at your own pace.
- Training leadership: Recognizing that an employee’s job satisfaction is often directly impacted by their leader, we invest in training our leaders to foster high engagement.
Roush is known for innovation and effective collaboration. We are the dreamers, the thinkers, the doers. We’re the proud sponsor of the “A-ha!” moment and the “wow factor.” But we can’t execute anything – whether it’s developing an exhilarating ride system for a major international theme park attraction, engineering autonomous vehicles, designing propulsion systems for space exploration or being part of an AI startup – without really smart, conscientious, and valued team members. As we like to say, Roush is a team sport.
So, what kind of positions are we looking for? In addition to all the roles it takes to run a business, we have two substantial populations to fill. One of them is engineering, working on projects in advanced mobility, defense, aerospace, entertainment and more. The other is skilled trades, such as mechanics, fabricators, machinists, assemblers, and specialized technicians.
The employees in the Leave a Dent campaign share their unique perspectives on the incredibly diverse work Roush does, the opportunities they are offered, and the dynamic people with whom they collaborate. Learn more on our social media channels like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
We work with key community and industry groups to attract women and minority candidates by encouraging students to enter STEM careers. As the result of a very intentional, strategic effort to ensure that our workforce is as diverse as the work we do, over the last several years we have doubled our minority hiring levels over previous years. We also have a long-standing commitment to military recruitment through our Veterans Initiative Program because we recognize and appreciate the incredible leadership and technical skills they have acquired through their service.
In short, Leave a Dent is our value proposition: Roush provides people not just a job but an opportunity to create things that are changing the world. You won’t believe all the cool things we do. Are you ready to leave your dent?
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